If your goal is to successfully create a lifestyle not only of your choice but a lifestyle you DESERVE, then WATCH THIS VIDEO to see why this event is fast becoming

This 3 day LIVE intensive event is for you...
Brad Cassidy has changed thousands of lives through his proven step by step approach to achieving financial freedom through property... Why not you next?
  • If you are an absolute beginner and want to make sure you're making the best decisions, this event will give you the tools and knowledge to make them with confidence.
  • If you are an experienced property investor and want to take it to the next level, even if you have an 8 figure portfolio, this event will show you how to grow and scale.
  • If you want to discover how to build a successful portfolio in all market conditions, this event will show you how. 
  • If you want to create additional streams of income, this event will help you decide which stream is better for you. 
  • If you want to discover ALL the possible ways to achieve success in property will leave this event with a full kit of tools and the knowledge create your own successful portfolio .
Some of you have watched Brad on videos or seen him speak on stages across Australia...
But what many people don't know is that Brad doesn't come from a rich background and he started off investing all the wrong way. This ended up costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakes, a physical health breakdown and lost quality time with those he loved.

This sent Brad on a mission to learn and find out how to invest the right way and do so without burning out or ruining his relationships around him. What Brad discovered was that he didn't find the solution at any one property investment training or event and this left him feeling frustrated as there was missing pieces to the puzzle. 

This led to Brad personally investing over $800,000+ in self education (and counting as he continues to grow and evolve) which has enabled him to create and manage a multi-million dollar property empire.
Keep Reading...

This Proven Step By Step Process Is Not From A Text Book, Its Been Battle Tested In The Real World

  • Its been proven through all market conditions
  • Its not based on hype, but real results
  • It allows for all types of personalities and circumstances, even if you have no money to start with
Keep Reading...

This Proven Step By Step Process Is Not From A Text Book, Its Been Battle Tested In The Real World

  • Its been proven through all market conditions
  • Its not based on hype, but real results
  • It allows for all types of personalities and circumstances, even if you have no money to start with

Brad is running a jam packed 3 day LIVE training event called Property Investment Intensive where you will discover how to effectivity build and grow a portfolio that not only provides you with long term wealth, but also provides you an income stream to live the lifestyle of your choice.

You will discover how to analyse properties to make sure that you buy the right one for your situation!
Not only will you discover all of the different profitable strategies that produce you money, you will also learn how to legally minimise your tax and make sure that your assets are safe and protected for you, your family and you future family.

Its More Than Just Property Strategies, You Also Discover The Investor Operating Systems That Are Necessary For Success!

Here is some of what we will cover:

  • Growth and Income Strategies
  • Asset Protection
  • Tax Minimisation (legally)
  • ​Financing and lending
  • ​Legals and contracts
  • ​Specialised Accounting for Property Investors and Developers

You will also meet some of my team of professionals that can help you on your journey - people I know and trust!

Brad is running a jam packed 3 day LIVE training event called Property Investment Intensive where you will discover how to effectivity build and grow a portfolio that not only provides you with long term wealth, but also provides you an income stream to live the lifestyle of your choice.

You will discover how to analyse properties to make sure that you buy the right one for your situation!
Not only will you discover all of the different profitable strategies that produce you money, you will also learn how to legally minimise your tax and make sure that your assets are safe and protected for you, your family and you future family.

Its More Than Just Property Strategies, You Also Discover The Investor Operating Systems That Are Necessary For Success!

Here is some of what we will cover:

  • Growth and Income Strategies
  • Asset Protection
  • Tax Minimisation (legally)
  • ​Financing and lending
  • ​Legals and contracts
  • ​Specialised Accounting for Property Investors and Developers

You will also meet some of my team of professionals that can help you on your journey - people I know and trust!


Australia's #1 Investor Success and Performance Coach

Known as Australia's leading authority in investor performance.... his knowledge, training and systems have helped thousands of people across Australia to not only build wealth and achieve more but also live a life of fulfilment.

He has spoken on the largest stages in Australia passing on his proven strategies for wealth and achievement.


Australia's #1 Investor Success and Performance Coach

Known as Australia's leading authority in investor performance.... his knowledge, training and systems have helped thousands of people across Australia to not only build wealth and achieve more but also live a life of fulfilment.

He has spoken on the largest stages in Australia passing on his proven strategies for wealth and achievement.

"Through learning from Brad we were able to complete our first deal which made approximately $300K! We have a few more property deals underway and we cant thank Brad enough.

Thank you Brad!."


"If you want more (anything!) in your life, attending Brads events is a must. Brad has the tools to help the young & mature no matter what to move toward their goals financial or otherwise."


"Learning from Brad enabled me to make $165K profit and a 34% return on my own cash investment, in 12 months. This enabled me to clear my debt and also enabled me to support my children further which i didn't have the money for at the time, for their higher education and also support my daughter's wedding. I couldn't have done it without Brad's education."


"By working with Brad I got a sense of confidence in myself and my future. Brad helped me convert my big dream into a big plan and helped me to get the courage to take that first step. I just completed a townhouse development that has over $300K projected profit which is a result of learning from Brad. Thank you Brad!"


Absolutely loved the event and Brad blew my mind - One of the best events I have ever attended"


"The content is structured very cohesively and easy to follow"


"Brad Cassidy is phenomenal!! He delivered fantastic life changing content with an amazing, deep seated experience"


"The combination of the mental, emotional and spiritual connection was amazing. The practically of these steps came together very well"


"Brad is sharing his 'gift' with everyone. He has invested his time for the past 15 years tapping into many of the masters who have come before us. Thankyou Brad for giving it your all this weekend. I'm truly grateful!!"


"This course identifies the tools to grow not only your wealth but yourself"


"I have seen for a long time a huge gap in this area and now Brad is blowing our mind with so much empowering content. You're all heart, you're in flow and its Magic!"


"This event tackles peoples negative thoughts about money head on. Its a fantastic, enjoyable and safe learning environment. There is so many golden nuggets shared at this event"


"This is the event to enlighten the inner-side of you to get you to change your trajectory"


"Totally inspiring"


"Through learning from Brad we were able to complete our first deal which made approximately $300K! We have a few more property deals underway and we cant thank Brad enough. Thank you Brad!."


"The training events and content is amazing! So much that can be taken away & implemented immediately to improve my life - I was able to gain the knowledge and confidence to do my own property development deal which created over $1.07M in equity. Thank you so much Brad!"


"Brad has given me the confidence to move forward and now I've got a property portfolio worth a few million dollars alongside of business operating in America and Australia, and working full time. Brad's knowledge and experience in property and business has proven to be so beneficial for me and my journey."


"If you want more (anything!) in your life, attending Brads events is a must. Brad has the tools to help the young & mature no matter what to move toward their goals financial or otherwise."


Is This Event For Me?

Trying to get started but don't know how...
You want to take your property investing to a whole new level...
You want to know how to create a passive income through property even if you are still working full-time.
You are frustrated after learning some property investment strategies and haven't been able to achieve results yet
This event is going to change your life. 

This Will Work For You If You Are...

Brand New to Property Investing

Seasoned Investor


Business Owner

Business Operator

Looking for a way to achieve financial freedom

Property Investment Intensive Details
 Date: Friday 25th August - Sunday 27th August 2023 on the Gold Coast
**Venue and event details provided upon confirmation** 
When You Sign Up For Property Investment Intensive,
You’ll Discover…
  • How to determine a good investment from bad.
  • How to create cashflow and wealth through strategic property investment
  • The best way for YOU to move forward towards financial freedom, even if you have no money to start with.
  • How to avoid the costly mistakes and no longer worry about going backwards
  • The real SECRET for building a profitable property portfolio.
  • Asset Protection Secrets
  • How to legally reduce your tax

Property Investment Intensive

Total Investment Is $3,995

Not only will you discover how to invest successfully, you will also meet many other like-minded people.

We have all levels of investors in the room, some just starting out with little or no money and some who I have trained for many years who own multi-million dollar portfolios who just keep coming back to continue their learnings...... (you will probably hear from a couple of them as I like to show case real people, doing real deals, in real time)... 

Not only will you discover how to invest successfully, you will also meet many other like-minded people.

We have all levels of investors in the room, some just starting out with little or no money and some who I have trained for many years who own multi-million dollar portfolios who just keep coming back to continue their learnings...... (you will probably hear from a couple of them as I like to show case real people, doing real deals, in real time)... 

Unlike most events out there...
this is 4 days of training with lots of fun and energy to stay engaged to absorb the information!
They are big days but we keep it fun and there's thousands of dollars of prizes up for grabs throughout the 3 days!
Think About It...
all this did was give you a simple yet effective way to manage your life, would it be worth it?
all this did was give you the confidence to move forward on matters most to you, would it be worth it?
all this did was allow you more focus and effective time to make more income and create wealth, would it be worth it?
Think About It...
all this did was give you a simple yet effective way to manage your life, would it be worth it?
all this did was give you the confidence to move forward on matters most to you, would it be worth it?
all this did was allow you more focus and effective time to make more income and create wealth, would it be worth it?
This event will sell out fast!
 Date: Friday 25th August - Sunday 27th August 2023 on the Gold Coast
**Venue and event details provided upon confirmation**  
©2023 - All Rights Reserved 
Property Investment Intensive presented by The Kaizen Way
©2020 - All Rights Reserved 
Property Investment Intensive presented by The Kaizen Way